Friday, September 28, 2007


When it comes to cooking, I'm a "concocter".... usually, no recipe - or, such a combination of recipes that no one recipe is easily recognizable. How fitting that the example in the dictionary happens to be one of my favorite types of "concoctions" - beans, rice, and meat!

So, why am I starting this blog? Well, I think this will be a good place to start documenting some of my favorite concoctions, so they can be recreated. Mostly, for myself - since I can never remember how much of "this" or "that" I've put into dishes.

I'm also starting a few little challenges for myself:
1. To incorporate healthier (yet still adventurous!) foods into my diet - while keeping the "yum" factor there, and,
2. To learn how to cook foods that jointly please my husbands Caribbean palate, as well as my "American Gone Wild" palate
3. To tackle some baking related items that I've never ventured into (pies, homemade cakes, breads, etc.)

I can't promise that every recipe will be healthy, adventurous, or even good - but, I'll try to keep it interesting! Unabridged (v 1.1) - con·coc·tion [kon-kok-shuhn]

1. the act or process of concocting.
2. something concocted: a delicious concoction of beans, rice, and meat.

—Synonyms 2. mixture, medley, blend. Unabridged (v 1.1)Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.