Monday, November 26, 2007

A Nestie Day in VA Wine Country....

Back in Mid-October, we had a DC Nestie Wine Tasting Get Together... it was lots of fun! We hit 5 wineries - so, by the end of the day I was pretty tipsy.

My faves:
Best Oyster Crackers - Hillsborough
Best Bottles I bought - Classic White from Loudoun Valley. I also enjoyed "Opal" from Hillsbourough Winery, and one of the whites from Breaux.

I wasn't too crazy about Doukenie Vineyard, or, any of the reds I tried. I think I needed some chocolate to go with the reds. :)

Pic - from L to right: EastSideFLuffy, CrazyDCBride (me!), MrsOmer, AnnapolisChick, eeclem, Oct15Bride (front), QueSrah (back)


Anonymous said...

STILL bummed I didn't get to goto that. Looks like you all had a blast!! :)

Erin said...

ahh! i'm just now catching up with your blog. we just opened the Loudon Valley Classic White for Christmas dinner - already want more!